We’ve all experienced that sense of awe when we encounter a vintage car and discover that is has been in the hands of one owner since new. As our cars get older, it becomes remarkable that they have survived this long - to have remained with their original owner makes them truly exceptional.
Therefore, the POCI Board has established a program to recognize these special vehicles, and the loyal owners who have devoted a significant portion of their lives to maintaining them.
Qualified Oakland, Pontiac & GMC vehicles shall be at least 25 years old (determined by model year) at the time of award. Owners must be a member in good standing of POCI at the time of the award.
Sufficient documentation to prove unbroken single ownership since new must be provided to the Original Owner Award Committee to determine eligibility. Such documentation could include copies of:
Bill of sale or dealer purchase papers
Window sticker (original}
Registration paperwork
Service receipts
Protect-O-Plate ...etc.
Applications for the award should include current photographs of the car (with or without owner) and any available photographs from “back-in-the-day”.
The Committee’s judgment of eligibility is final.
Award vehicles should be registered for and present at the POCI Convention, accompanied by their owner. Exceptions may be granted based on a case-by-case basis.
At each convention the new awards are presented during the Award Banquet event.
If your vehicle qualifies as an Original Owner vehicle, contact us for an application of eligibility!
Jack Anderson Phone: (302)353-0244 email: jgand789@hotmail.com
Jon Havens Phone: (314)623-8842 email: jfhavens@sbcglobal.net

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