All information provided by POCI Technical Advisors, Smoke Signals magazine articles, and POCI.org is intended only for general knowledge and is not a substitute for professional advice for specific situations or specific conditions of your vehicle. POCI does not give mechanical advice. POCI's advisors, authors, and members can answer your general questions about Pontiac, Oakland and GMC vehicles. You should seek professional mechanical advice for any specific mechanical condition(s) of your vehicle. The information contained herein is presented in summary form only and is intended to provide only a broad consumer understanding of each particular set of facts. The information provided should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of consultation with a professional mechanic.
Technical Advisors DO NOT locate parts for members.
Volunteers for Open Positions & New Categories are needed.
Please contact Tech Advisor Coordinator for details.
Technical Advisor Coordinator
Mark Tilson
1104 Hillrock Dr.
South Euclid OH 44121 US
Phone: (216) 299-2716
Technical Advisors
Australian Pontiacs Including Imports
Dave Clee [ pwdistribution@gmail.com ]
P.O. Box 135
Oak Flats, NSW 2529 AU
Phone: 011-61-242571230
Fax: 011-61-242571190
Canadian Pontiacs
Walter Campbell
29 Hexham Dr.
Scarboro, ON M1R 1J5 CA
Phone: 416-757-5484
Pontiac Acadian 1976-87 & T1000
John Williams [ greencosworth@aim.com ]
Phone: 570-574-2749
Commercial and Professional Pontiacs (Sedan Deliveries - Ambulance – Hearse)
Paul Bergstrom [ pontiacpaulb@gmail.com ]
PO Box 68
Long Lake, MN 55356 US
Phone: 763-242-6734
Drag Racing & High Performance
Mike Cooper
66 NW 85th St
El Dorado, KS 67042 US
Phone: 316-655-1408
Eight Lug Wheels
Les Kasten
12501 Danbury Way
Rosemount, MN 55068 US
Phone: 651-280-9681
Carl Harcourt [ POCI@caharcourt.com ]
4937 W. 900 S.
Milroy, IN 46156 US
Phone: 765-561-2731
Eric Vicker [ evicker67@gmail.com ]
P.O. Box 0033
South Park, PA 15129 US
Phone: 412-708-7886
Firebird (1977-1979 W72 Performance Package)
John Witzke [ john.witzke@yahoo.com ]
1449 South Larchmont Dr
Council Bluffs, IA 51503 US
Phone: 402-680-5772
Pontiac G6
Chuck Merica [ chuck_merica@hotmail.com ]
Phone: 402-731-0494
Firebird & T/A (1993-2002)
Chris Grupido [ itsacarthing@gmail.com ]
Phone: 469-525-1051
Grand Prix (all)
Mike Grippo
584 Broomspun Street
Henderson, NV 89015 US
Phone: 702-568-5120
Jeff Sawruk
667 Oxhill Ct.
White Lake, MI 48386 US
Clyde Rowley [ cer364@outlook.com ]
2222 Broad Oak Drive
Bandera, TX 78003 US
Phone: 210-305-9277
GTO & Intermediate (1964-1979 Engine & Drivetrain)
Jerry Boulay [ jers455@yahoo.com ]
218 Broadmoor Lane
Rotunda West, FL 33947 US
Phone: 203-695-6510
GTO & Intermediate (1964-1972 Body & Interior)
Richard Erman [ ermco.csa@frontier.com ]
7675 N. Walters Lake Rd.
Fremont, IN 46737 US
Phone: 260-495-9167
Judge 1969-1971
Ray Herman [ the.hermans@comcast.net ]
512 Columbia Creek Dr.
San Ramon, CA 94583 US
Phone: 925-829-4059
David Green [ oaklandguru@gmail.com ]
5020 Hutton
Kansas City, KS 66109 US
Phone: 913-626-6301
Parts Interchange
David Silarski [ dfaski@yahoo.com ]
12715 Old Pine Lane
Houston, TX 77015 US
Pontiac 1926-1927
Clark Adams
277 Longhranch Trail
Lexington, NC 27295 US
Phone: 336-243-1336
Pontiac 1930 & 1932
Robert Guzzetta [ splithead6fan@gmail.com ]
1410 Santa Inez Dr.
San Jose, CA 95125 US
Phone: (408) 265-7578
Pontiac 1931
Jim Koenigsmark [ pontiacalan@gmail.com ]
24348 S. 80th Ave
Frankfort, IL 60423-9726 US
Phone: (815) 464-5929
Pontiac 1933-34
Ed Almekinder [ edal@frontiernet.net ]
6548 Italy Valley Rd
Naples, NY 14512 US
Phone: 585-374-6141
Pontiac 1935
Kerry Klotzman [ kap@voyager.net ]
7460 Rollingbrook Trail
Solon, OH 44130 US
Phone: 440-349-1509
Pontiac 1936
John Case [ casej451@yahoo.com ]
1567 Tedford St
East Wenatcheem, WA 98802 US
Phone: 509-387-3694
Pontiac 1937-38
W. Arnold Landvoight [ etc@hillclimber.com ]
8521 William Street
Savage, MD 20763 US
Phone: 301-498-0070
Pontiac 1939-1942
James Patterson [ AntiqueCarParts@msn.com ]
8951 Henry Clay Blvd
Clay, NY 13041 US
Phone: 315-652-5794
Pontiac 1939-1942
Andrew Ameden [ rockaa@ptd.net ]
27 W. Carbon St.
Minersville, PA 17954 US
Pontiac 1946-1948
Ed Almekinder [ edal@frontiernet.net ]
6548 Italy Valley Rd
Naples, NY 14512 US
Phone: 585-374-6141
Pontiac 1949-1952
John Harvey [ 50scars@frontier.com ]
5256 Heritage Lane
Oakley, IL 62552 US
Phone: 217-763-5691
Fax: 217-763-6107
Pontiac 1953-54
Charles Coker [ charlessdv8@yahoo.com ]
PO Box 51
Taneyville, MO 65759 US
Phone: 417-693-5219
Pontiac 1955
Chuck Conway [ chucksautoelectric@sbcglobal.net ]
303 North Friendswood Drive
Friendswood, TX 77546 US
Phone: 281-996-1776
Pontiac 1956
Larry Gorden [ larry@pontiacsafari.com ]
1344 West Avenue O
Palmdale, CA 93551 US
Phone: (661) 622-2100 www.pontiacsafari.com
Pontiac 1957
Todd Crews [ poci1957@aol.com ]
160 Home Ave
Forsyth, IL 62535 US
Fax: 217-874-2533
Pontiac 1957-58 Fuel Injection
Position OPEN
Pontiac 1958
Lars-Ingvar Elofsson [ 58starman.pontiac@tele2.se ]
Byastensvagen 10
Gards-Kopinge 29177 SE
Phone: 04644235031
Pontiac 1959-1964 (Full Size Except Grand Prix)
Rick Gonser [ rickgonser@msn.com ]
2454 Ostrom Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90815-2420 US
Phone: 562-397-5644
Fax: 562-596-1160
Pontiac Catalina 1962-1963
John Mead [ rpol34@embarqmail.com ]
1025 Dear Run Dr.
Earlysville, VA 22936 US
Phone: (434) 977-2671
Pontiac 1967-1970 Full Size (Except Grand Prix)
Ron Berglund [ pontiac335@gmail.com ]
1156 W. Contende St.
Meridian, ID 83642 US
Phone: (559)259-2079
Pontiac 1965-1966 (Full Size Except Grand Prix)
John Pokryfky [ poci.65-66.fs.ta@att.net ]
9215 Florida
Livonia, MI 48150 US
Phone: 734-776-6449
Pontiac 1967-1985
Duane Stumpp [ Greenbean3946pd@msn.com ]
301 Park Charles Blvd. North
St. Peters, MO 63376 US
Pontiac 1968-1969 A-body & GTO
Tom Brackett [ tdbrackett@yahoo.com ]
Phone: 214-862-0080
Pontiac 1970-1972 A-body & GTO
Tom Langer [ kd9fpc@yahoo.com ]
Phone: 414-254-7845
Pontiac 1977 Can Am Registry
Verne Howard [ canam77man@aol.com ]
4400 NW Bittersweet Lane
Blue Springs, MO 64015 US
Phone: (816)229-6783
Pontiac 1973-77 A-Body & 77 Can Am
Rick Lightfoot [ rlightfoot@stny.rr.com ]
242 W. William St.
Corning, NY 14830 US
Pontiac 1977-78 Trans Am
Arnold Goldstein [ arnsam77@aol.com ]
751 E. Stark
Palatine, IL 60074 US
Phone: 847-334-0908
Pontiac Astre/Sunbird 1975-80
Paul Bergstrom [ pontiacpaulb@gmail.com ]
PO Box 68
Long Lake, MN 55356 US
Phone: 763-242-6734
Pontiac 1985-1992 Tuned-Port Trans Ams & Formulas
Gene Werst [ WerstGene135@gmail.com ]
10631 Mission Lakes Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89134 US
Phone: 702-496-5870
1986-2010 Pontiac
Matthew DiStasio [ mcdgp@msn.com ]
211 School St
Acton, MA 01720 US
Phone: 978-263-2647
Pontiac 2004-08 GTO & G8
Carl Palmquist [ cpalmquist@zoomtown.com ]
1061 Hayward Circle
Milford, OH 45150 US
Phone: (513) 348-2542
Pontiac Solstice 2006-2010
Gary Dinofrio [ garydn@gmail.com ]
46 S Eagle Nest Dr
Lincoln, RI 02865
Phone: 401-405-1001
Pontiac 1999-2005 Grand Am
Jeff Vickers [ vickcarguy88@gmail.com ]
10490 Auburndale
Auburn twp, Ohio 44123
Phone: 330-221-6628
Pontiac 1986-2010 (All Models)
Position OPEN
Street Machine
Bob Cella [ robertcella2063@comcast.net ]
31 Crissey Ave.
Geneva, IL 60134 US
Phone: 630-232-0600
Fax: 630-232-0600
Pontiac 2+2
Jack Anderson [ jgand789@hotmail.com ]
1125 Old Baltimore Pike
Newark, DE 19702 US
Phone: 302-353-0244
Pontiac 6000
Carl Harcourt [ POCI@caharcourt.com ]
4937 W. 900S
Milroy, IN 46156 US
Phone: 765-561-2731
Straight 8 Engines
Charles Bolten [ bolten2@aol.com ]
15607 N 30th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85053 US
Phone: (602) 375-0866
Overhead Cam Six Engine
Rob Egbert [ cammerwagon@gmail.com ]
14901 Heiland Kies Rd
Anna, OH 45302 US
Phone: (937) 538-1525
Street Rods and Modifieds
Rex Bumgarner [ tigermadness@charter.net ]
4928 Northcrest Street
Claremont, NC 28610 US
Phone: 828-241-4947 anytime
Tempest/LeMans T4/T8 1961-1963
Keith Collier [ mechanickeith@hotmail.com ]
11995 S Cherrywood Drive
Claremore, OK 74017 US
Phone: 602-315-8602
Brad Duerst
1360 North Sunshine Lane
South Lake, TX 76092 US
Phone: 800-208-8242
Transmissions (Auto)
Steve Peluso
93 Blackstone St.
Menson, MA 01756 US
Phone: 508-478-8900
Transmissions (Auto) 1965-2010
Richard Ennest [ rennest1@gmail.com ]
4235 Fairview St Unit A
Burlington, ON L7L 2A4 CA
Rick Gonser [ rickgonser@msn.com ]
2454 Ostrom Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90815-2420 US
Phone: 562-596-2043
Fax: 562-596-1160
1960-63 Super Duty & Ram Air V Engines
Tom Schlauch
393 Los Altos Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90814 US
Phone: 562-243-0570
GMC Motorhome
Jim Biwersi [ jbiwersi@mac.com ]
2938 Mary Street
Maplewood MN 55109 US
Phone: 651-779-6498 Central Time
GMC Trucks 1998 to present
Cliff Curtis [ curtistech2@yahoo.com ]
1564 E. Carleton Street
Springfield, MO 65804 US
Phone: (417) 365-4070
Engine Machining, including Flat Head Engines
Position OPEN

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