2016 POCI Drag Race
POCI Convention Drag Racing Event
The event will be held at Cordova International Raceway. All race brackets involving a payout, is open to all Pontiac, Oakland and GMC Truck bodies. This is a 1/4 track and all safety rules are IHRA sanctioned. We will follow a 4 class event involving cash payouts and they are as listed.
Fast 4: To qualify you will need to run 6.0 in the 1/8 or faster. You will be allowed up to 3 qualifying passes if needed. Entry fee is $100. Payouts will be $500 to Win and $300 Runner Up providing there is a minimum of 4 vehicles entered.
AFX-E: This includes all vehicles running electronics regardless of your ET or tires. Tranny brakes are NOT considered electronic. Entry Fee will be $70. Payouts will be $500 to Win, $250 Runner Up and $125 Semi. These payouts are based on a minimum of 12 vehicles entered.
AFX: This includes all non-electronic vehicles running slicks regardless of your ET. Tranny brakes are allowed. Entry Fee will be $70. Payouts will be $500 to Win, $250 Runner Up and $125 Semi. These payouts are based on a minimum of 12 vehicles.
Ram Air: This includes all non-electronic vehicles running DOT approved tires regardless of your ET. Tranny Brakes are allowed. Entry Fee will be $35. Payouts will be $200 to Win, $125 Runner Up and $75 Semi. These payouts are based on a minimum of 12 vehicles.
There will be a Time Only lane open all day, entry fee is $20. This lane will be open all day during qualifying and will run in between bracket rounds when time allows. There should be ample time to get all the runs you wish and have fun.
Bracket racing will have priority over all other lanes during the event.
Buy backs will be available through the 2nd round but only one buy back allowed during the event for each vehicle. Buy Backs for all classes will be $20.
Please follow all track rules and regulations. Bye runs and lane choices will be stated during drivers meeting.
All spectator fees will be $12, $3 kids 6yr-12yr and kids 5yr and under are free. Track will be providing all concessions.
There is no rainout date and all ticket sales are final with NO REFUNDS. If the event is stopped by weather, the event is considered complete. Track officials have the authority to call the event if safety issues are of a concern. All final decisions concerning the event are the responsibility of POCI officials in charge of this event.
Everybody bring your friends and have a fun safe POCI Racing event on Friday July 15th, 2016. Gates will open at 9:00am.
For more info contact Dean Fait at 309.738.5925

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