22nd Annual All Pontiac-Oakland GMC Spring Dust Off
June 12, Saturday 2010, Davisburg Mi. 22nd Annual All Pontiac-Oakland GMC 'Spring Dust-Off' car/swap show, Springfield-Oaks Co. Park,12451 Andersonville rd. Sponsored by 2 local GM B-P-GMC Dealerships: Golling B-P-GMC Lake Orion Mi Sellers B-P-GMC Farmington Mi and hosted by the Michigan Widetrackers POCI chapter #16. For more info contact Jim Larson [248] 673-2796 or club web-site www.widetrackers.com for show flyer. For More Information Contact: Jim Larson Phone: 248-673-2796See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.