5/10 Update from North Coast Ohio Chapter
The featured car at the NCPC April meeting was Paul Fulkroads 1972 Grand Prix. Paul has always been quite the car enthusiast. His interests vary with the automobile hobby. Paul enjoys racing, driving to cruise-ins, and attending car shows. To name a couple he has won awards at the All Pontiac Show in Solon, and the Ames Performance Engineering Tripower Pontiac Nationals in Norwalk, Ohio. Paul purchased his 72 Grand Prix SJ from a swap meet vendor at the Pontiac Nationals. This shiny black machine had easily won his attention. Paul has made improvements to his Grand Prix. The car boasts reupholstered seats and new carpeting. The bumpers have been rechromed. He plans to have it repainted in the near future. Paul drove the Grand Prix to the 2004 convention in Joplin, Missouri. He found it so enjoyable; he has gone to five other POCI conventions. Also, he has driven his 72 to 18 different states. Traveling in the 72 Grand Prix is an enjoyable experience Paul relishes. So, if youre traveling on the highway and hear a very loud Doobie Brothers song and a flash of shiny black pass you by, it could very well be Paul just cruisin in his 72 Grand Prix. NCPC members are looking forward to kicking off our 2010 club activities with the May 2nd Dust-Off at Jay Pontiac. We are also looking forward to the June 19th Poker Run. If you are in the Greater Cleveland area, please join us. For more information on the North Coast Pontiac Chapter of POCI, contact Carolyn Kucia, 127 Willard Avenue, Bedford, OH 44146, or email onecleannut@aol.com , or please check out our web site at http://northcoastpontiacchapte r.org. You can also search for North Coast Pontiac Club on Facebook. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at Jay Pontiac, 18800 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH
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