April 2007
On Saturday, January 13th 2007 the Nutmeg Chapter held our annual Holiday Party at Genes Corner House Restaurant in Plantsville. Members enjoyed fine food and good company as well as the fun of the Nutmeg Swap. Anne Pocevic was the lucky winner of the $100 door prize. After dinner Noel thanked Joe Oswego for his work as Director for the past two years, and Tracy Johnson for the work she does recruiting new members at each of our shows year after year, and Frank Fuller for being our Chief of the Nutmeg Grill at our shows. They were each given gift certificates. For more information about the Nutmeg Chapter visit our website www.nutmegchapterpoci.com or e-mail drumbeat1@juno.com or call (860) 868-7723.
See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.