ARCH Chapter News Update

ARCH CHAPTER, ST. LOUIS, MO The 2007 POCI Convention is behind us and now we can look forward to next year and traveling to Spearfish SD. The Arch Chapter was well represented at the convention, bringing home a total of 11 Awards plus one winner of the Model Car Contest and one of the Coloring Contest. Despite one major engine problem on the way to Tulsa and several minor problems on the way home, all went well. August & September will be busy months for chapter members. We are having a Pontiac Rendezvous display at the Museum of Transportation located in St. Louis County. This is a joint display with the Gateway GTO Club and the St. Louis County Parks Department. We will also have our annual Arch Chapter Night at the Drive-In the middle of the month and the end of the month brings the Trail of Tears Pontiac Rendezvous Drag Race and Car Show in Sikeston, MO. September will see us once again returning to do a dealer display and our Annual Picnic. To learn more about the Arch Chapter, visit our website at www.archpoci.com. We have pictures of our many activities as well as pictures of members cars.

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