December 2006
First of all, please join us in welcoming new members Chris Lewis and Tom Bernache, Jr. Chris recently transferred to RI from Maine and brought his 68 Firebird with him. Many of you who attended the Eastern Regional may remember Tom. Tom volunteered to provide overnight security at the hotel as part of his high school community service program. Tom and his father are building a 67 Firebird.As far as car events go, theyre starting to slow down. Members Rick DiGiacomo, Noel Evans, and Ray Hogan attended the Garden State Chapter show in NJ on October 7th. Noel and Rick received 3rd place trophies in their classes and Rick took the Long Distance award. One interesting side note was the fact that there was some concern that the show would be flooded. Since the dealership is adjacent to a tidal basin, the combination of a high tide, a full moon, and a developing northeaster off the coast caused the flooding worries. Although the street did get covered, the water receded before the show ended. Rain on the Little Rhody show doesnt seem to be much of a problem after all. Our annual Foliage Cruise/Poker Run was held on October 15th. Ten members cruised the northern RI route which we havent used in several years. Besides the chilly weather and bright foliage, there was dinner at the Village Haven. Steve Westberg and Mary won free dinners with a pair of sevens. Those members that have reserved a room at Parkers for the Christmas tree run have been notified by the motel. If you havent heard from them or if you want to make a reservation, please contact Parkers directly at 603-745-8341 or info@parkersmotel .com. Dont forget the Norman Rockwells Christmas on Main Street recreation the first weekend of December. If were still driving them then, weve had a good season.
This year the Board has decided to forego its Christmas Party and has scheduled a holiday party in either January or February. It will also be a thank you for the members that participated in the Eastern Regional. As of now, the plans are not final. Ron Fiore and Rick DiGiacomo presented a $5000 check to the Tomorrow Fund. Altogether, nearly $6500 was raised to help children with cancer. Another $365 was raised for Alexs Lemonade Stand. This is also for pediatric cancer research. The total included matching and direct donations. Sams Club donated $1000. Included in the many direct donations were checks from the Six Nations Chapter and the Nutmeg Chapter who gave their $100 chapter participation award to the Tomorrow Fund. For information, contact Rick DiGiacomo at 54 Pinecrest Drive, No. Scituate, RI 02857 or (401) 934-0663 or

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