December 2006
North Coast Pontiac President Chuck Graham opened our October 18th meeting by introducing Mike Wolanski. Mike is one of 4 or 5 other active North Coast Pontiac Chapter members who started our club in the 1980s. Due to his work schedule Mike is not able to attend many NCPC meetings. He is the owner of a 1959 Bonneville convertible. The October meeting presented the time for nomination of club officers for 2007.Since there were no new nominees, Jack Pinchot made a motion to nominate the current slate of officers for re-election. A second motion was made by Pete Woodruff. Gary Parker, our web site coordinator has revised the NCPC web site address. It will now be more user friendly. The club will plan to re-institute the use of our club business cards. This will enable club information to be passed on to prospective members and for other club business.
NCPC had a record turn out of club members for our annual fall social at Caban's Island Restaurant. Good food and a good time was experienced by all. Our next club function will be our Christmas/ Holiday party in December. For NCPC club information contact Tim Sabula (440) 729-7515. Our meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month (except December) at 7:00 P.M. at Jay Pontiac, 18800 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH.

See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.