January 2007
We've had quite a fun car year, thankfully, with none of our namesakes showing their wrath on our shores! Car-B-Q's, 2 car shows, monthly cruise-ins, road trips, collections for the Red Cross relief, collection for the Toys for Tots- all toys to be handed over to the Marines on December 16th, just to mention a few of the fun Pontiac/GMC that we have going on year round.Turkey Rod Run- that was quite the weekend over Thanksgiving. We caravaned up from Miami and points North to meet up with other die hard Pontiac guys and gals to have Thanksgiving dinner with friends from various states that come out every year... that was just the beginning. Over the course of Friday and Saturday, which are the busy days at the Run, we had about 125 cars parking in our Pow-Wow-WOW Corral. We met up with quite a few friends that have joined us over the past 5 years in the corral, and eventhough the weather was windy and cold, the feeling was pure Pontiac and hot!
The POCI family is also going to be growing, as is the Hurricane Chapter, Dixie Chapter and Everglades Chapter. It was quite an active recruiting weekend, spearheaded by Monica Diaz, the Hurricane Chapter Secretary/ Treasurer. Matt Clarke from the Dixie Chapter also worked hard on recruiting. Monica tells us that at least 10, if not more, new members will be joining the POCI family. To them we say "Welcome Aboard!"
Check out the Hurricane Chapter website at www.southfloridapontiacs.org to see all the Turkey Run event pictures, and as always, if you're in Florida, look us up and join us for some southern Pontiac hospitality!
For more info, contact Monica at the club office at (305) 648-0623 or via e-mail at pocihurricane@att.net.

See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.