June 2007
APRIL 29th DUST OFF REVIEW:Sunday, April 29th, was the day of our second annual dust off show. It was held in conjunction with The Tomorrow Fund Stroll which was to help raise money for children with cancer.
This was the 5th annual stroll and it was the biggest and best yet. Over 1200 people attended and the Fund raised more than $80,000 for its programs which help the children and their families. More than 35 teams participated, including families of the children, local schools, and businesses.
The top fund raising trophies were awarded to "Team Unsworth" who strolled for 6 year old Stephen Unsworth and "Team Sweet" who strolled for 6 year old Sarah Sweet. Representatives of The Tomorrow Fund selected 3 of our cars as their favorites of the day. They were Pauls Zitos '69 Firebird, Steve Freitas '65 GTO, and Bob Verdonnes '41 Silver Streak.
Thanks to all who participated. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and thankful for the opportunity to help the kids. We look forward to making this an annual event.
The local and regional shows are listed in the minutes of this months meeting. We will meet at Dennys off exit 7 (RT 95) at 9:00 am to caravan to the Nutmeg spring show in Old Saybrook on May 20th.
The Little Rhody spring show is June 3rd. We need help moving the cars on Saturday and, as usual, we can always use volunteers on Sunday. We will meet at the new rest area on RT 295 N at 8:00 am to caravan to the Nor-Eastern show at the Budweiser Brewery. There will be a stop for breakfast. Plans for the August shows will be made at the June meeting.
For information, contact Rick DiGiacomo at 54 Pinecrest Drive, No. Scituate, RI 02857 or 401-934-0663 or frdigi@cox.net.

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