LITTLE INDIANS CHAPTER (1961-63 TEMPEST/LEMANS) Most of us can't wait until spring but this time of year is a great time to do some troubleshooting, parts hunting, fixing, touching up and just gathering information to make those little pontiacs just that much better and fine tuned. I have spoke with several people who have expressed an interest in the 61, 62 or 63 Tempest or Lemans. Some have expressed interest in finding one for a fix up car, a complete restoration project or one just ready to drive and enjoy. Glad to see there is increased interest out there for these special little pontiacs so to those with this interest please come join the little indians, there is a wealth of information from the many members of our club and many fun times to have. The last get together of some of the little indians was at the annual pumkinfest and car show in Port Elgin, Ontario Canada. The car show is growing larger each year with an estimated 1,200 cars participating this year. The weather was great again this year and fun was had by all. Keith and Judy Baker even won one of the famous chocolate trophies, there was a picture of it in our chapter paper the Rope Shaft Reader. What can be better than that not only win a trophy but be able to eat it too. Plans are already being made for next years Pumpkinfest, contact us if you are interested, there is lots of activity for the kids and ladies too other than just the car show. Good time to see you might want to become part of out Little Indians Chapter. Of course there are other upcoming events for this year, the POCI convention in Oklahoma should be a great one, always need more Little Indians or future Little Indians to attend and represent us there. Our annual Little Indians Pow Wow is going to be held in August at the Norwalk Raceway in Ohio. It will be held on the All Pontiac week-end and you have never seen so many beautiful pontiacs of all kinds. Heaven for the Pontiac enthusiatists. More information later on the upcoming events. For more information about the Little Indians Chapter of POCI please contact our club president, Greg Walters, phone 865-777-1734 or email
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