LITTLE RHODY CHAPTER REVIEW AND NEWS UPDATE February 2008 We have got a lot planned for the remaining winter months. Bowling night at Meadowbrook Lanes Saturday Feb 16, get ready to smoke the lanes and enjoy the pizza and competition on the lanes March 15th is a pot luck dinner at Paul Zitos House, Its going to be a 70s theme, so dust off those old leisure suits ( if you can still fit into them, I know I cant) and lets meet at Pauls house around 7:00 pm. April has a couple of events being planned. First is the cape getaway weekend starting on Friday the 18th, at the Heritage House in Hyannis. Then on the 27th of April there is going to be a dust off in garden city to help out our friends at The Tomorrow Fund, Rick DiGiacomo is coordinating this event, more to follow in next months Tom Tom. Starting in May, Lil Rhody is going to have cruise meetings for the warmer months. The first cruise meeting will be in Garden City at the Newport Creamery on May 13. the time is 7 in the evening June 10 , the meeting will be at Famous Pizza in Scituate, corner of rt.#6 and 116. at 7 pm. In July we will meet at Competitive Automotive off West Shore Rd. in Warwick. We will meet on the 8th at 7 pm. August will find the meeting taking place at Aunt Carries down in Point Judith. The day is august 12 at 7 pm. September we will meet at Angelos Pizza , Mendon Rd in Cumberland on the 9th at 7. And we will wrap up our cruise meetings at Dennys on Rt#2 in Warwick right next to Lowes, just down the street from our home at Fiore Pontiac. October 14th , those old big block Pontiacs love the fall air so come on down to this and the rest of the cruise meetings during the nice days. And last but not least our annual car show will be Sunday June 1st at Fiore Pontiac in Warwick, I would love to see everyone at the show with their Pontiacs

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