LITTLE RHODY CHAPTER REVIEW AND NEWS UPDATE APRIL, 2007 The weather is still not what we want it to be what with drenching rains and gale force winds. However, its not stopping Little Rhody from launching its activity season. In late March we had our annual bowling party. Once again, VP John Pagliarni took high scoring honors and once again he claimed that he doesnt bowl. There were seven couples that enjoyed an evening of bowling and pizza. Six couples went east to Cape Cod on April 13th to enjoy our tenth Cape Getaway. The weekend included sightseeing, dining, and dancing. The ride home was a little wet. April 29th is our second dust off. This year it will be held in conjunction with The Tomorrow Fund Stroll, an annual event that draws approximately 700 people to help raise funds for children with cancer. Three Tomorrow Fund Favorites will be selected. We hope that this will become an annual event for Little Rhody. The following shows have been placed on the Little Rhody calendar: May 20th Nutmeg Chapter spring show at Harbor Motors, Old Saybrook May 20th Yankee Chapter annual dust off June 3rd LITTLE RHODY SPRING SHOW at Fiore Pontiac June 3rd Pioneer Valley GTOAA show in Feeding Hills, MA June 10th Nor-Eastern show at the Budweiser Brewery in Merrimac, NH June 17th Dream Cars for Kids show in Windsor, CT August 5th Yankee chapter all GM show August 10-12 2007 Eastern regional in Saddlebrook, NJ More information will be available as we get closer; but, mark your calendars now. Please support our fellow Pontiac enthusiast. We welcome new member Andy Checchia into the chapter. Andy has a 56 Star Chief and an 86 Feiro. Lastly, all of our members want to thank Mary Page for her efforts as newsletter editor for the last five years. During that time, our newsletter won several awards from POCI. As with all outgoing officers, directors, etc, we recommend that you not go to far away. You never know when you will be called upon to come out of retirement to help the chapter. Dan and Debbi Perron will be taking over with the May newsletter. For information, contact Rick DiGiacomo at 54 Pinecrest Drive, No. Scituate, RI 02857 or 401-934-0663 or
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