Lone Star Chapter News
Lone Star Chapter is looking forward to attending the POCI Convention in Tulsa. The convention has never been this close to Dallas before, and everyone in the club plans to attend. Thwe only way it could get closer is if we host it ourselves! Lone Star Chapter wishes the Indian Nations Chapter the best of luck with the convention. Lone Star just got back from the El Chico cruise in Flower Mound, where the guest of honor was our Club President from the 1980's, Terry Hunt. A great time was had by all. Next weekend we plan to attend the annual Malt Shop cruise in Anna, Texas. In June we will attend a benefit. car show at Sewell Cadillac in Dallas. If you live in the Dallas area and want to join in the fun, contact us gtohurstjudge@aol.com or 214-274-6018,See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.