March 2007
2007 started with our annual Superbowl Party/Planning meeting on Superbowl Sunday. We mapped out our calendar for the year with many exciting events. Our March event will be our Chili Supper. Our first outing with the cars will be the Easter Car Show held annually in Forest Park on Easter Sunday. This show is sponsored by the Horseless Carriage Club of St. Louis and is the start of the Car Show season in the St. Louis area.We have a Poker Run, Night at the Drive-In, Wine Run, Charity Car Show, dealer display, picnic, several cruises and car shows planned and end the year with our Christmas Party.
This year we have been invited by the Oldsmobile Club to join them and the Buick Club for a joint show at Tan-Tar-A Resort at Lake of the Ozarks for a 3 day indoor show in early June. This is a lovely resort and members are looking forward to attending this event.
We will be hosting jointly with the Gateway GTO Club the Pontiac Rendezvous at the Museum of Transportation located in St. Louis County in early August. Each month the museum is having different car clubs host events at the Museum. We are looking forward to this event and seeing many Pontiacs from the area. In October we will be joining other clubs who have displayed at the Museum in a Mystery Tour. This promises to be an exciting event with four different starting points and several routes out of each point with everyone ending up at the Museum for a car display. The Museum has recently undergone renovation and the parks department is opening it up to the car clubs to host events to draw the public into the museum.
Tulsa is about a 6 hour drive from St. Louis and we are hoping to have a nice caravan traveling to the convention.
For more information on the Arch Chapter, please visit our website at:

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Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.