May 2007
The March/April 2007 issue of the PCPV News featured Danny Millers custom 1951 Pontiac sedan delivery, an update on Doug McCurdys 1955 Pontiac sedan delivery project. Bob Johnson is looking for information on his 1964 Pontiac Superior limousine. If you know anything about the Superior limos of this era, please email Bob at, or call him at (701) 730-2958.Welcome to new members Maurice Bunch, Panama City, FL; Rich Plastino, Santa Ana, CA; John Hugentober, Lebanon, OH; and Henry Hopkins, Richmond, CA. NEW MEMBERS WANTED!
To find out more about our chapter and see many rare and unique Pontiac vehicles, simply request a free sample issue of the PCPV News. Contact: Paul Bergstrom, 1165 County Rd. 83, Independence, MN 55359; email or call pm/weekends (763) 479-2248.

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