No. Coast Ohio 1/12 Update

NORTH COAST PONTIAC CHAPTER (OHIO) The 2012 club events calendar was discussed at our January meeting. Winter is upon us, HOWEVER, the cold, snowy weather didnt stop NCPC members from thinking about warm weather activities. Members reminisced about some of their 2011 favorites. Thanks to Tom and Regina Moritz for once again offering to organize this years Third Annual Poker Run Rally. This event will be held late spring. If you are in the Greater Cleveland area, NCPC invites you to join us at our Dust-Off on May 6th, Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac Car Show June 10, and our 15th Annual All Benefit Pontiac Car Show on August 12th. For more information on the North Coast Pontiac Chapter of POCI, contact Carolyn Kucia, 127 Willard Avenue, Bedford, OH 44146, or email onecleannut@aol.com , or please check out our web site at http://northcoastpontiacchapter.org &You can also search for North Coast Pontiac Club on Facebook (www.facebook.com/northcoastpontiacclub) . Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at Jay Pontiac, 18800 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH

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