North Coast Ohio Chapter update
The North Coast Pontiac Club gathered at DAgneses Restaurant on December 12, 2010 for our Holiday Dinner Party. We enjoyed delicious food, great conversation with our NCPC friends, and beautiful, festive music played on the piano by Regina Moritz. Thank you Gina. A big thank you to Jack Pinchot for organizing our Holiday Dinner Party event. Everyone had a wonderful time. President Josh Kucia presented Ernie Nottingham with the MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD. Ernie served the club as Vice- President for three years and was club President for two years. He continues to bring positive energy to our club and consistently lends a helping hand at each NCPC event. Ernie, we appreciate your dedication to the automotive hobby and we are grateful for all you do for North Coast Pontiac Club. CONGRATULATIONS Ernie! NCPC wishes all POCI members and their families a Happy and Healthy New Year. For more information on the North Coast Pontiac Chapter of POCI, contact Carolyn Kucia, 127 Willard Avenue, Bedford, OH 44146, or email , or please check out our web site at http://northcoastpontiacchapte &You can also search for North Coast Pontiac Club on Facebook. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at Jay Pontiac, 18800 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH
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