North Coast Ohio Chapter Update 4/12


Our NCPC April meeting held in Highland Heights included an invitation to tour member Kerry Klotzman’s Museum. 

Kerry was so impressed with Pontiac’s style and performance he joined POCI in 1980 and he is also one of the original six members of NCPC.  It was then that his collection of Pontiac treasures began.  Kerry had a dream to have all of his Pontiac collections located in one building.  In 2008, this dream finally came true.  A 7,000 square foot warehouse has become Kerry’s Museum.  This building with a full alignment rack holds his nineteen Pontiacs (mostly  survivors). 

Kerry shared the fact that sometimes cars find him as did his newest addition the day of our meeting.  He feels lucky to have found a Platinum Silver ’80 Bonneville with the original tires.  This classic is the perfect survivor to add to his collection.

Kerry always enjoys a discussion on cars, parts, cruises, and events.  From the portrait of Chief Pontiac, the Twin Cam 4 cylinder engine from a 1987 Super Duty GTO on display, an old gas pump, and model cars, Kerry was happy to share his memorabilia with chapter members.  Each of his cars has a story as well. 

Kerry’s Museum rich in Pontiac history was a pleasure to tour. Thank you for hosting this meeting Kerry.   North Coast Pontiac Chapter excitement has never been better.

On June 10, the North Coast Pontiac Chapter will be hosting the 21st Annual Northeast Ohio B.O.P. Car Show and Swap Meet in Solon, OH  

For more information on the North Coast Pontiac Chapter of POCI, contact Carolyn Kucia, 127 Willard Avenue, Bedford, OH 44146, or email onecleannut@aol.com , or please check out our web site at http://northcoastpontiacchapter.org & You can also search for North Coast Pontiac Club on Facebook (www.facebook.com/northcoastpontiacclub) .

 Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at Jay Buick GMC, 18800 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH  If you are in the area, please join us.


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