North Coast Ohio News
NORTH COAST PONTIAC CHAPTER of POCI (Ohio) The featured car at the NCPC March meeting was Ernie Nottingham's 1965 LeMans. Ernie always enjoyed looking at and driving different kinds of cars. Twelve years ago, his brother (an owner of a Pontiac), found the perfect car for him. Ernie wasn't in the market to buy a car, but considered his brother's advice. In the Spring of 1997, he drove to the Charleston area, and there she was, a sleek beauty. Ernie decided to give that beautiful classic a new home. Ernie replaced everything underneath the car as well as the interior. The 326 was changed to a 389, and the 4-barrel intake was changed to tri-power. The '65 is a 4-speed automatic and the rear differential became a 12-bolt. The Burgundy paint has not been changed. This sleek '65 LeMans with bucket seats has been a joy to drive. Ernie has enjoyed cruising to Avon, OH, Woodward Cruise in MI, Solon Charity Cruise, Solon OH to name a few. Coupled with the above, the LeMans has won trophies at the BOP in Brecksville, the BOP in Tallmadge, and the All Pontiac Benefit Car Show in Solon. His sleek '65 LeMans with original paint has been a joy to drive. Ernie discovered early on that the best thing about owning a classic car is meeting so many nice people. That's what he enjoys most of all! NCPC members are gearing up for warm weather and are ready to dust off their Pontiacs for the 2010 auto events. At our April meeting, Joe Rossman, the Greater Cleveland auto specialist will be sharing his expertise on an automotive topic of his choice. We are looking forward to the Dust-Off at Jay Pontiac on May 2nd, and the Poker Run on June 19th. For more information on the North Coast Pontiac Chapter of POCI, contact Carolyn Kucia, 127 Willard Avenue, Bedford, OH 44146, or email , or please check out our web site at &You can also search for North Coast Pontiac Club on Facebook. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at Jay Pontiac, 18800 Rockside Road, Bedford, OH
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