North Coast Pontiac Chapter News
North Coast Pontiac Chapter hosted its Tenth Annual All Pontiac Show on Sunday August 5th. The Chapter members planned for this show to be our biggest and best. Ninety three Pontiacs pre-registered. The morning of the show there were a few rays of sunshine filtering through the clouds. This allowed 81 Pontiacs onto the show field before (every car shows nightmare) the rain came down. In spite of this "liquid sunshine" we tried to make the best of a damp situation and raffled off our many door prizes along with a 50/50 raffle. Trophies were presented to the various class winners. North Coast Pontiac Chapter extends our thanks and heart felt gratitude to our sponsors and the 81 participants who made the effort to attend our show...until next year. We now move on to our fall social gathering which will take place in October. N.C.P.C. meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month at Jay Pontiac, 18800 Rockside Rd., Bedford, Ohio The meetings begin at 7:00 P.M. Visitors/new members always welcome. Our club web site can be viewed at: or call 440 729 7515.
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