Piedmont Chapter News
PIEDMONT CHAPTER 25TH ANNIVERSARY CAR SHOW GREENSBORO, NC, JULY 3, 2007: On Saturday May 26, 2007 The Piedmont Chapter of POCI held its 25th Anniversary All Pontiac Car Show. We had seventy-two cars attend the special show on a sunny Carolina Blue day. Dario Shadow-Walk won Best of Show with his immaculate 55 Star Chief. Charles Yountz won participants choice for his modified 62 Catalina. Scott Bryson won best original for his 66 Bonneville. Bill Adams won best antique for his 26 Pontiac. James Harrelson won furthest driven for 148 miles on his 56 Star Chief. The awards were presented by Chief Pontiac, Native- American Dario Shadow-Walk in full regalia and headdress. All the participants received a 1930s vintage, specially engraved bronze casting medallion of the classic Pontiac Indian logo. The spirited club is pictured with their red team golf shirts. If you are interested in joining or simply have a question about our club call Shawn at 336- 812-3762. -End
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