Pontiac Commercial & Professional Vehicle Chapter - May/June

Pontiac Commercial & Professional Vehicle Chapter The May/June 2007 issue of the PCPV News featured Pomona, California Police Officers Associations 1956 Pontiac police car, General Motors history 1916-1919, Roger Bentleys article on his fathers 1951 Pontiac sedan delivery, a 1960 Popular Mechanics article on a 1956 Pontiac rail car and information on the Pontiac Monte Carlo concept car that sold at a recent Barrett-Jackson auction. Welcome to new member Perry Eaton from Palermo, CA. We are looking forward to having John Sawruk and Don Meyer attend the PCPV Chapter meeting in Tulsa at the POCI Convention. NEW MEMBERS WANTED! To find out more about our chapter and see many rare and unique Pontiac vehicles, simply request a free sample issue of the PCPV News. Contact: Paul Bergstrom, 1165 County Road 83, Independence, MN 55359;email pcpvnews@ties2.net or call evenings/weekends (763)479-2248.

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