Results for POCI Director Election
2021 POCI Board of Director Election Results
Hello Fellow POCI Members
The POCI Board is hoping all is going well with your chapter events as we keep moving forward to a more normal life that we can all enjoy. Plans continue being made to help make the 2021 Convention a success and the Yankee Chapter is looking forward to making your stay in their area exciting. After months of accepting ballots and verifying all the numbers I wanted to send out the results from the POCI Board Election. I want to thank the Election Committee, Chaired by Gale Menger, in their hard work throughout the entire process. We had a total of just over 1,000 ballots sent back in, unfortunately we had 86 that were not countable for various reasons, most due to the person not including their POCI number on the ballot. I would also like to thank all those candidates for their time filling out the Director applications and I encourage all of those who did not get elected to continue their efforts in the future.
The winners of a 4 year term are as followed:
Northeast Division -- John Cappelmann
Central-East Division -- Michael Murray
Great Lakes Division -- Wayne Beran
Midwest Division -- Brian Engele
Southern Division -- Peggy Cox
Western Division -- Mark Crutcher
Congratulations to all the winners whose term will begin on June 1, 2021.
The next Board election will happen in 2 years and I wish everyone would take the time to consider running for these positions and help POCI move into the future.
Everyone stays safe and on behalf of the entire POCI Board, we look forward to seeing everyone in Connecticut for the 2021 POCI Convention.
Larry Crider
POCI President

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