Six Nations Chapter
Six Nations Chapter news: December, 2011 we held our Annual Christmas Party & Election of Officers. The officers elected to serve are as follows: President- Howard Botting Vice-President- Bill Barker Secretary- Cindy Galuppo Treasurer- Tim Nichols News Letter- Natalie DiBiase- Eymer Activities Director- Perry Galuppo Historian- Betty Gay Sunshine Chairman- Terry Young Webmaster- Jimmy Patterson Jr. Chapter Contact- Jim Patterson Sr. The Christmas Party was nice too. We enjoyed another Tasty meal at Pier 57 Restaurant, along with gifts and a great turnout of our membership. Pictures were taken of members to update our members & officers pages on our web site. We've found this helps everyone get to know each other and tie them to their cars too. One thing that really changed from last year is last years party started the snow for one of snowiest winters on record. This winter has been extremely kind so far with warmer temperatures and very little snow to date. January brought us to another good meal at Spaghetti Warehouse with a fresh call for more action this coming year. To many clubs turn into just another dinner party we want to the Pontiac Excitement back. February has planned a Winter Rat Show at one of the summer cruise in sites. Sweet Inspirations -Fulton, NY. February 11th, 2012 - it should be a hoot!
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