Southern Ohio Buckeye Chapter News Update
Ø 2007 Car Show: Donna Foland Members were reminded to be at Bill Delords at 3:45pm on Saturday August 4th to move cars and at 8:30am on Sunday. At the Hop will now be the food vendor because the previously booked vendor has had a heart attack. Ø Chapter Activities: Dean and Kristi Price suggested that the Covered Bridge Tour be shortened to three bridges due to the time it would take to tour all five. The picnic will be held at John Bryan State Park at the picnic shelter. It was suggested that a tour of the remaining bridges could be done in the fall. Meat, plates, plastic ware and napkins will be provided. Members should bring a covered dish and their own beverages. Members and guests are to meet at Performance Clinic at 11:00am. Other upcoming activities: Trim Parts annual Open House and Cruise on July 17th, Aesthetic Finishers Open House and Cruise on August 18th, and the Fairborn Adventures for Wish Kids Car Show on September 9th. Ø 50/50 Jackpot of $13.00 was won by Karly Price. Al Chrisman won the drawing for a free Club shirt. Ø Next Membership Meeting: Thursday, August 9, 2007 at Fuddruckers in Miamisburg
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