Yankee Chapter News - June 07

Here in the Northeast, Yankee Chapter members are trying very hard to think spring, hoping to drive away our cold temperatures. Our annual Dust Off is all set for May 20th at Columbia Pontiac in Hanover, MA.

Plans are complete now for our getaway weekend in June. The western Mass. trip will include a visit to the Bissell Covered Bridge and a stop at the Farmstead at Mine Brook, home to Goat Rising and Jersey Maid cheeses. In the afternoon we will take a ride on the Berkshire Scenic Railroad. Using a diesel from the 50s the ride provides a perfect introduction to the fun and history of railroading across the country. There are many Saturday night cruises in the area, so we have our choice of locations. After our overnight stay in Westfield, MA members are planning to caravan to the Pioneer Valley GTO spring show in Feeding Hills or the Little Rhody Chapters show at Fiore Pontiac in Warwick, RI.

For more information on the Yankee Chapter please note our contact, Tracey Dacko (508)533-7660 or yankeepontiac@comcast.net

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