The Story
A Car of His Own
by Les Tryon (Wake Forest, NC )
In 1982 there lived a man with no antique car of his own. He was visiting friends one long holiday weekend in Penn Yan, NY and was told there was a nice old car for sale. He was finally persuaded to go look at it be- cause “It might be something someone at work might like.” It was a nice car, purchased by a wealthy family to take the trash to the dump so as not to spoil the Cadillac. The owner wanted to sell as she was getting up in years. It was to have been left to her son, but he had died of a brain tumor at age 27. At that time the car had been put away, and was only pulled out for repainting in 1976. The owner's other potential purchaser was someone who wanted to street-rod the car, and she could not stand that thought. “The Man with No Antique Car of His Own” looked at the car reluctantly, started it reluctantly, and then drove it reluctantly.
He returned home after the weekend. In the middle of the night, the wife of “The Man with No Antique Car of His Own” found he was not in bed but standing at the window at 3 am. "Thinking about the car," he ex- plained.
Next night, 3 am, he was standing at the window "thinking about the car" again. The next day, the man called the wife from work (he never did that) and said, "I've got to have that car." The wife replied, "I know you do." Enlisting the help of friends, he was able to bring the car to its new home, but before that, the owner threw a big party complete with champagne(and all the trimmings to celebrate the new owner-(ship. Meanwhile, another man wanted to pur-(chase some land from the same person. She had(always refused, but now relented and sold the land.(Vineyards were immediately planted, and the wine(produced won New York State awards its first year(on the market, and it continues to win accolades.(The car meanwhile has resided very happily with its(new family, and has won its own share of awards,(including “People’s Choice,” and continues to bring(pleasure to all who view it. The original owner has(since passed on, but the car is assured by the man(that it will forever remain as it is and will be well(cared for.
The totally original, unrestored wood body car has raised seating for 8, a Bermuda bell, straight eight engine, an interior roof that reminds one of a boat, and a classic black color making it a special car indeed. The man had promised the original owner that he would maintain the car as it was, and he has kept that promise.(The man has since purchased 4 other antique cars, but it is safe to say that this one is very special.
We no longer call him “The Man with No Antique Car of His Own," we call him Dean Tryon.
From the May 2019 ETCetera
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